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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.11 No.1 pp.24-31

LED 조명처리가 꽃송이버섯의 균사배양에 미치는 효과

오득실1, 김현석2, 심봉섭1, 위안진1, 윤병선1, 김강웅3, 왕승진1*
1전라남도산림자원연구소, 2전남대학교 산림자원학부, 3(주)티앤아이

Effect of mycelial culture of cauliflower mushroom (Sparassis crispa) using LED lighting operation

Seung-Jin Wang1*, Deuk-Sil Oh1, Hyun-Suk Kim2, Bong-Sub Shim1, An-Jin Wui1, Byung-Sun Yoon1, Kang-Woong Kim3
1Jeonnam Forest Resource research Institue, Naju 520-833, Korea
2Division of Forest Resources Chonnam University, 3T&I Co., Ltd.


As a result of advenced research, Penicillium growth inhibition effect in media of cauliflower mushroomby different LED lighting color inhibited all treated groups, but blue wavelength treatment group was unfitted forculture of cauliflower mushroom due to lots of spore of penicillium. So, to investigated characteristics of mycelialgrowth of cauliflower mushroom according to different LED wavelength and LED wavelength color. As a results,all red wavelength treatment groups found highest mycelial growth tendency. Thus, mycelial growth investigateddifferent quantity of red lighting wavelength conditions. The quantity of lighting wavelength was low intention, 1.41μmol/m22S treatment group found highest mycelial growth. Effects of mycelial growth by subculture found differenceof statistical in one time to carry out a subculture treatment group. Mycelial growth by different quantity of LEDlighting in different media composition of wood chip media indicated highest trend in the Korean pine treatmentgroups. To cultured treatment group for 84th days found difference of statistical, when a quantity of LED lighting redwavelength 2.11 μmol/m2S treated in wood chip of the Korean pine media. In conclusion, good culture condition ofcauliflower mushroom estimated quantity of red lighting wavelength 2.11 μmol/m2S in wood chip media of the Koreanpine for 84th days.


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