민자주방망이버섯(Lepista nuda )의 형태적 특성 및 교배에 관한 연구
A study of morphological characteristics and hybridization on Lepista nuda
In this study, twelve of Lepista nuda were collected from various localities in Korea. Also thirteen exotic L. nudaspecies were collected from Japan, France, Switzerland and Portugal. Spores were isolated under optical microscope. Thesespores were placed on the surface of YM medium for inducing to germination. Eleven mating-groups were selected by morphologicalcharacters of fruit body such as size, color and stipe patterns. Intra-isolate crosses were made between two single-sporeisolates derived from mating-groups. Also, dikaryotic crossing using the isolates from L. nuda were carried out to evaluatedtetrakaryon formation. Cross-mating compatibility tests also verified its dikaryotic state by microscopic or molecular geneticobservation of clamp connection and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) band pattern. To analyze the growth rateof hybrids and parents mycelium in dikaryons obtained from compatible mating groups were placed on PDA medium.Intra-isolate crosses determined eleven mating-groups within L. nuda. The typical clamp connection were mostly observed inmating-groups of Korean L. nuda in K1xK2, K1xK3, K1xK4, K1xK6, K1xK5, K2xK4, K2xK3, K2xK6, K3xK4, K4xK5 andK4xK6. Korean L. nuda type of dikaryon, shown to cross-incompatibility with L. sordida, it seemed that mating induce morerapidly than wild types in a view of growth rate. In conclusion, it would be useful to improve mass production with better morphologicalcharacteristics through a special mating of L. nuda.
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2.이양숙. 2004. 민자주방망이버섯의 유전적 특성과 성분에 관한 연구. 대구가톨릭대학교 박사학위논문
3.이지선. 2005. 민자주방망이버섯의 생태학적 특성과 cDNA에 관한 연구. 대구가톨릭대학교 석사학위논문
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7.Guinberteau, J., Olivier, J. M., Suberville, C., Cruz, C., and Montury, M. 1995. A new hybred of Blewit (Lepista nuda): Cultural investigations and flavouranalysis. In Mushroom Science XIV. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Science and Cultivation of Edible Fungi. Oxford. 17-22.
8.Kim, J. H., Yoo, K. H., Kim, Y. S, Seok, S. J, Kim, Y. S., 1998. The screening of fibrinolytic activities of extracts from mushrooms in mt. Chiak. Korea. J. MycoL, 26: 589-593.
9.Kim, S. H. 2003. Phylogenetic relationship of Lepista nuda by RAPD, Catholic Univ. Daegu. Ph. M. Thesis
10.Kwon, H. K. 2002. A study on the cultural characteristics and genetic variations in Tricholomataceae. M. S. Thesis. Catholic Univ. Daegu. Korea.
11.Lee, Y. S., Han, J. Y, Joo, E. Y, Kim, N. W. 2005. Study on the Anti-tumor Effects of Extracts from Lepista nuda mushroom. J Kor. Soc. Food Sci. Nutr, 34: 317-322
12.Modess, O. 1941, Zur kenntnis dermykorrhizabildug von kieferund fichts. Symb. Bot. leps, 1: 1-147
13.Noelsuberville, C, Crua, C, Guinberteau, J and M. Montury, 1996. Correlation between fatty acid content and aromatic compound release in fresh Blewit(Lepista nuda). J. Agric. Food Chem, 44: 1180-1183.
14.Park, W. H. 1993. Studies on inorganic components of Korean wild edible mushrooms-Trace mineral elements of Armillariella mella, Hygrophorous russula, Armillariella tabescems, Lepista nuda, Lepista sordida, Hygrocybe corxica一Korea J. My col., 21:273-278.
15.Park W. H. and Lee H. D. 1999. Illustrated book of korean medicinal mushrooms. Kyo-Hak Publishing Co., Ltd,. Seoul. korea. p186
16.Shim S. M. 2003. Studies on immuno-modulatory and antitumor effects of crude polysaccharides extracted from korean wild medicinal mushrooms. M. S. Thesis. Inchon Univ. Inchon, Korea
17.Stamets, P. and Chilton, J. S. 1983. Mushroom Cultivator: Apractical Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home, Agarikon Press, Washington. p415.
2.이양숙. 2004. 민자주방망이버섯의 유전적 특성과 성분에 관한 연구. 대구가톨릭대학교 박사학위논문
3.이지선. 2005. 민자주방망이버섯의 생태학적 특성과 cDNA에 관한 연구. 대구가톨릭대학교 석사학위논문
4.Chen, C, C and Wu, C. M. 1984. Studies onthe enzymic reduction of 1-Octen-3-one in mushroomAgaricas bisporus. J. Agric Food Chem. 32 : 1342-1344
5.Guinberteau, J., Olivier, J.M. and Tanne, M. N. 1991. Improvement of Lepista species cultivation; technical factors and selection of strains, In Mushroom Science Xm. proceedings of the 13th International Congress on the Science and Cultivation of Edible Fungi. Dublin, irish Republic. 1-6 September, Eds, M.J. Maher. A. A. Balke, a, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 2: 615-621
6.Guinberteau, J., Olivier, J. M. and Bordaberry, M, R. 1989. 'Dommees recentes sur la culturedes " pieds bleus" (" Lepista" sp). PHM Revue Horicole. Juin-Juillet. 298 : 17-22.
7.Guinberteau, J., Olivier, J. M., Suberville, C., Cruz, C., and Montury, M. 1995. A new hybred of Blewit (Lepista nuda): Cultural investigations and flavouranalysis. In Mushroom Science XIV. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Science and Cultivation of Edible Fungi. Oxford. 17-22.
8.Kim, J. H., Yoo, K. H., Kim, Y. S, Seok, S. J, Kim, Y. S., 1998. The screening of fibrinolytic activities of extracts from mushrooms in mt. Chiak. Korea. J. MycoL, 26: 589-593.
9.Kim, S. H. 2003. Phylogenetic relationship of Lepista nuda by RAPD, Catholic Univ. Daegu. Ph. M. Thesis
10.Kwon, H. K. 2002. A study on the cultural characteristics and genetic variations in Tricholomataceae. M. S. Thesis. Catholic Univ. Daegu. Korea.
11.Lee, Y. S., Han, J. Y, Joo, E. Y, Kim, N. W. 2005. Study on the Anti-tumor Effects of Extracts from Lepista nuda mushroom. J Kor. Soc. Food Sci. Nutr, 34: 317-322
12.Modess, O. 1941, Zur kenntnis dermykorrhizabildug von kieferund fichts. Symb. Bot. leps, 1: 1-147
13.Noelsuberville, C, Crua, C, Guinberteau, J and M. Montury, 1996. Correlation between fatty acid content and aromatic compound release in fresh Blewit(Lepista nuda). J. Agric. Food Chem, 44: 1180-1183.
14.Park, W. H. 1993. Studies on inorganic components of Korean wild edible mushrooms-Trace mineral elements of Armillariella mella, Hygrophorous russula, Armillariella tabescems, Lepista nuda, Lepista sordida, Hygrocybe corxica一Korea J. My col., 21:273-278.
15.Park W. H. and Lee H. D. 1999. Illustrated book of korean medicinal mushrooms. Kyo-Hak Publishing Co., Ltd,. Seoul. korea. p186
16.Shim S. M. 2003. Studies on immuno-modulatory and antitumor effects of crude polysaccharides extracted from korean wild medicinal mushrooms. M. S. Thesis. Inchon Univ. Inchon, Korea
17.Stamets, P. and Chilton, J. S. 1983. Mushroom Cultivator: Apractical Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home, Agarikon Press, Washington. p415.