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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.11 No.2 pp.69-76

PCR 다형성 분석에 의한 비늘버섯 속 계통의 유연관계 분석

권운혁2, 박혁2, 백민재2, 조우진2, 최우정2, 안치범2, 신도빈1, 이태수1*
1인천대학교 생명과학부, 2제물포고등학교

Phylogenetic relationships in different strains of Pholiota species based on PCR polymorphism

Tae-Soo Lee1*, Woon-Hyuk Kwon2, Hyuk-Park2, Min-Jae Baek2, Woo-Jin Cho2, Woo-Jeong Choi2, Chi-Beom Ahn2, Do-Bin Shin1
1Division of Life Sciences, Incheon National University,Incheon 406-772
2Jemulpo High School, Incheon 400-190, Korea
(Received June 11, 2013. Accepted June 20, 2013)


Pholiota species were collected from different geographical regions of the world. Genetic diversityand phylogenetic relationships were analyzed by rDNA-ITS sequences and RAPD polymorphism. The sizes ofrDNA-ITS PCR amplicons of Pholiota spp. varied from 233~271, 158~223 and 174~219 bp, respectively. A phylogenetictree was constructed on the ITS region sequences and Pholiota strains were classified into 8 clusters.Twenty strains in seven Pholiota spp. were classified into seven clusters by RAPD polymorphism using 15 arbitraryprimers. Our experimental results suggested that rDN-ITS and RAPD analysis are useful tool for classifying Pholiotaspp. and strains.


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