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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.12 No.1 pp.41-51

푸른곰팡이 대치배양에 의한 꽃송이버섯 균사 생장 특성 및 계통간 교잡균주의 rDNA 분석

오득실, 김현석, 김영위안진, 윤병선, 박화식, 박형호, 왕승진1*

Characteristic of mycelial growth of cauliflower mushroom (Sparassis latifolia) using replacement culture with Trichoderma and rDNA analysis in genealogy of crossbreeding strain

Seung-Jin Wang1*, Deuk-sil Oh, Hyun-Suk Kim1, Young Kim, An-Jin Wi, Byung-Sun Yoon, Whoa-Shig Park, Hyeong-Ho Park
1Korea Forest Seed & Variety Center
Jeonnam Forest Resurce research Institue, Naju 520-883, Korea
Received Decemmber 19, 2013 , Revised March 31, 2014 , Accepted April 2, 2014


Cauliflower mushroom widely known high concent of β-glucan for farm cultivation invigoration verified characteristics ofmycelia growth, genetic diversity, resistance to Trichoderma by replacement culture with Trichoderma and growth characteristics of newvariety crossbleeding strain. The result of replacement culture with Trichoderma for verification resistance about Trichoderma, 6951 (T.viride) strain did not show special change after formation of confrontation line and 6952 (T. spp.) strain was showed more formation ofspore after formation of confrontation line. But 6426 (T. harzianum) strain found to encroach part of growth area of cauliflowermushroom mycelia. Among 10 kinds cauliflower mushroom strain, JF02-06 strain collected by Gurye, found did not spore ofTrichoderma and thought to be resistant to Trichoderma. The result of crossbleeding after selected that mother strain good growth andformation of fruit body, verified good mycelia growth at JF02-47, 49 and 50 strain in Korean pine of wood-chip media. The result ofgene sequence about ITS1, 5.8S and ITS4 for analysis of genetic diversity at crossbleeding strain, found high significance to othercauliflower mushroom in registered Genebank. The result of growth characteristic of spore and mycelia of cauliflower mushroom byobservation microscope, size of spore showed water drop shape to major axis 6 μm and minor axis 5 μm and clamp showed 3 types inmycelia. The wide of mycelia was 3 μm. The characteristic of mycelia of cauliflower mushroom found to grow mycelia in clamp atapproximately 50%. The growth speed of mycelia was 0.507 μm/min and 2nd mycelia grown similar speed to mother mycelia atparallel with mother mycelia after growth speed at 0.082 μm/min. The formation of clamp made small clamp for 5 hours after showntransfer of electrolyte in mycelia inside. The septum formation started after 3 hours and then finally completed after 2 hours. In thisstudy, strain of cauliflower mushroom verified resistance of Trichoderma, genetic diversity and characteristic of mycelia growth. Therefore,basic knowledge of cauliflower mushroom will improve and further contribute to development of mushroom industry.

