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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.12 No.2 pp.96-106

URP-PCR 분석에 의한 느타리 이핵-단핵 계통간 교잡주의 핵 DNA 유전

김은정, 신평균, 장갑열, 공원식, 한영숙1, 유영복*
농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 버섯과, 1성신여자대학교 식품영양학과

Nuclear DNA inheritance of intra-specific somatic hybrids by di-mono cross in Pleurotus ostreatus based on URP-PCR analysis

Young Bok Yoo*, Eun Jung Kim, Pyung Gyun Shin, Kab Yeul Jang, Won Sik Kong, Young Sook Han1
Mushroom Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA Chungbuk Eumseong 369-873, Korea
1Department of Food and Nutrition, Sungshin Women’s University
Received May 13, 2014, Revised June 11, 2014, Accepted June 12, 2014


The primary objective of the present study is the characterization of the somatic hybrids of dikaryon-monokaryon (dimono)crosses in mushroom breeding. We employed this technique for developing superior strains from Pleurotus ostreatusstrains with 48 intraspecific hybrids of 12 combinations between six P. ostreatus strains and one P. florida strain. The results on theexperiments of hybridization rate, nuclear DNA patterns, and colors and morphology of fruit-bodies, are presented. In di-monocrosses, somatic hybrids among Pleurotus strains showed 100% of crossability as seen in those between P. ostreatus and P. floridastrains indicating that the nuclei of a dikaryon is inferred to be migrated to a recipient. 87.5% of the somatic hybrids amongPleurotus strains were similar to the donor dikaryons, and 12.5% of the somatic hybrids presented DNA patterns of both parents.In 16.6% of di-mono crosses between P. ostreatus and P. florida, the nuclear DNA patterns of all hybrids showed the same orsimilar patterns compared to the donor dikaryons. 70.9% of the hybrids between P. ostreatus and P. ostreatus were similar to thedonor dikaryons and 12.5% of them presented the DNA patterns of both parents. 79.2% of fruiting body morphology of thehybrids among Pleurotus strains were similar to the dikaryons and 20.8% of them were similar to both parents. Interestingly, themorphology of all dikaryons were dissimilar each other. All hybrid strains between dikaryon P. florida and monokaryon P. ostreatusshowed the fruiting body of which colors were similar to those of the dikaryon, while the hybrids between dikaryon P. ostreatusand monokaryon P. florida were showed the combined colors of both parents. Therefore, the fruiting body color of P. florida tendsto be generally dominant. In conclusion, the present study provides a way to find out and suggest superior hybrid strains usingthe nuclear DNA patterns of hybrids between Pleurotus strains as well as the characteristics of their fruiting bodies. Theadvantages of the di-mono crossing are needs to be fully utilized in mushroom breeding because it is an ideal way to develop thesuperior strains of Pleurotus.

