ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.13 No.1 pp.74-78
중고온성 병재배용 느타리 신품종 『흑타리』의 특성
Characteristics of new mid-high temperature adaptable oyster mushroom variety『Heuktari』 for bottle culture
The ‘Heuktari’, a new mid-high temperature adaptable variety of oyster mushroom for the bottle culture, was bred by mating with monokaryons isolated from ‘P11056’ and ‘MT07156’. The optimum temperature for the mycelial growth was 23~26oC on PDA medium and that for the primordia formation and the growth of fruiting body of ‘Heuktari’ was 18~19oC on sawdust substrate. In case of bottle cultivation, the period of mycelial growth was required about 30 days. In addition, the period of primordia formation and growth of fruiting body was 4 days and 5 days, respectively. In the characteristics of fruiting body, shape and color of pilei were round type and dark grayish brown, stipe color was white color and stipe shape was short and thick. The yield of fruiting bodies was 180 g/900 ml bottle which was 15% higher than that of Suhan-1ho. The gumminess and brittleness of stipe tissue were 110% and 140% stronger than those of Suhan-1ho, respectively.
Bottle culture,Mating,Mid-high temperature adaptable variety,Pleurotus ostreatus,Heuktari,Physical property
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