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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.13 No.1 pp.41-49

표고 톱밥재배용 모균주 선발과 교배균주의 균사배양 및 생육 특성

노종현, 고한규*, 박흥수, 구창덕1
산림조합중앙회 산림버섯연구센터,
1충북대학교 산림학과

Selection of parental strain on the sawdust cultivation and mycelial growth and cultural characteristics of Lentinula edodes hybrid strains

Han-Gyu Ko*, Jong-Hyun Noh, Heung-Soo Park, Chang-Duk Koo1
Forest Mushroom Research Center, Gyeonggi, Yeoju, 469-803
1Department of Forestry Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, 361-763


In order to breed new strains of oak mushroom, Lentinula edodes, on the sawdust cultivation, we collected 10 from Korea, Taiwan and China respectively and examined somatic incompatibility, morphological features of fruiting body and productivity. Four strains(SANJO701HO, FMRI2534, FMRI2337 and FMRI2613) shown remarkable results, were confirmed with parental strains. 80 monokaryotic strains derived from the selected 4 parental strains, were selected and 117 hybrid strains were made by mono-mono mating. Aslo, Physiological characteristics were investigated. Average of the mycelial growth of hybrid strains of mating combination SANJO701HO-FMRI2337 was approximately 10% lower than other mating combinations. Overall, This study was founded to develop new varieties of L. edodes. The productivity of new 117 strains on sawdust cultivation needs continued research.
