ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.13 No.4 pp.301-304
Cultural characteristics according to different rates of substrate composition in bottle cultivation of Grifola frondosa
This study was carried out to investigate the optimum rate of substrate composition in bottle cultivation of Grifola frondosa and had three rates of substrate composition of 67:11:22(T1), 68:15:17(T2) and 74:14:12(T3) as mixing rate of weight of dried oak sawdust, dried corn husk and dried bean-curd refuse. The rate of primordia formation of T3 was 65.8% which was lowest among all treatments. Contraction rate of disease of T1 was 9.8% which was highest among all treatments. Harvesting rate of T2 was 70.5% which was highest among all treatments. Fruit body weights per bottle of T1 and T2 were 85.5 g, 83.3 g respectively and there was not significant difference between those. Yield per 10,000 bottles of T2 was 587 kg and was 7%, 28% higher than those of T1 and T3, respectively. As a result, the rate of substrate composition of 68:15:17(T2) as mixing rate of weight of dried oak sawdust, dried corn husk and dried bean-curd refuse was appeared as optimum rate of substrate composition in bottle cultivation of Grifola frondosa..
본 연구는 잎새버섯 병 재배시 적합한 배지조성비율을 구명하고자 수행되었다. 배지조성은 참나무톱밥: 옥수수피: 건비지를 건물중량 비 율로 T1처리(67:11:22), T2처리(68:15:17), T3처리(74:14:12)의 3처리를 두고 시험한 결과, 발이율은 T1처리에서 72.6%, T2처리에서 72.1%로 두 처리 간 유의적 차이가 없었으나 T3처리에서는 65.8%로서 다른 두 처리에 비하여 낮았다. 이병률은 T2처리에서 4.1%, T3처리에서 3.7%인데 비하 여 T1처리에서는 9.8%로 가장 높았다. 수확률은 T1처리 에서 64.1%, T3처리에서 63.6%인데 비하여 T2처리에서 는 70.5%로 가장 높았다. 병당 자실체 중량은 T1처리에 서 85.5 g, T2처리에서 83.3 g으로 두 처리 간 유의적 차 이가 없었으나 T3처리에서는 72.4 g으로 다른 두 처리에 비하여 낮았다. 입병 수 10,000병 기준으로 재배 시 수량은 T2처리에서 587 kg으로 T1처리 및 T3처리에 비하여 각각 7% 및 28%가 높았다. 따라서 잎새버섯 병재배 시 적합한 배지조 성비율은 건조중량비율로 참나무톱밥: 옥수수피: 건비지 가 68:15:17인 것으로 나타났다.