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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.13 No.4 pp.288-293

Effects of productivity of Lentinula edodes according to the control of high-temperature environment in summer

In-Yeop Kim,Seon-Cheol Kim,Jong-Hyun Noh,Sun-Gyu Choi,Won-Ho Lee,Han-Gyu Ko,Heung-Soo Park,Chang-Duk Koo*
*Corresponding author E-mail : Tel : +82-31-812-8180, Fax : +82-31-882-4430


In the structural investigation of cultivation facilities, the proportion of farmers to grown with double or triple structure were investigated 96%. It has been shown to grow with a stable cultivation facilities structure against environmental changes. The results of the analysis of the changes in the cultivation environment of Yeoju area in July-august, temperature and humidity of the external instrument shelter was 20.2~29.9oC and 66.2~99.9% respectively. In the greenhouse 2 model capable of temperature environment regulation in the cultivation facility, temperature and humidity were investigated 19.3~25.7oC and 81.6~99.9% respectively. Result of the survey of fruiting body characteristics and yields in the greenhous 2, pileus diameter and stipe length were investigated 66.2 and 54.1 mm, yield of mushroom and individual weight were 312 g and 26.6 g. High-temperature environment regulation shows the improvement of the quality and productivity of the mushroom. Power consumption of the air conditioning has been investigated using 56kwh/day, electricity costs were calculated 2195 won/day.


재배사 시설구조 조사결과 2~3중 구조로 재배하는 임가 가 96%로 외부의 환경변화에 대비한 안정적인 재배시설 구조를 갖추고 재배하는 것으로 조사되었으며, 여름철 재 배환경 변화를 분석하기 위하여 재배기간 온습도 변화를 조사한 결과 외부 백엽상의 온도는 20.2~29.9oC, 습도는 66.2~99.9%로 나타났다. 재배시설 내부의 고온 환경조절 결과 시험재배사 2에서 19.3~25.7oC, 습도변화 81.6~ 99.9%로 온도제어에 효과적이었다. 자실체 특성조사에서 시험재배사 2에서 갓직경이 66.2 mm, 대길이 54.1 mm로 품질이 우수하였으며, 배지당 수확량도 312 g/봉, 개체중 26.6 g으로 개선되었다. 냉방시설 사용에 따른 일간 전력 소비량은 56 kwh로 조사되었으며, 전력비용은 2,195원/일 로 산출되었다.

