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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.13 No.4 pp.334-337

Effect of Conversion Rate of γ-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) by Yogurt Fermentation with Addition of Nanoparticle Winter Mushroom and Hydroponic Ginseng

Pyung-Gyun Shin*,Hee-Cheong Kim,Young-Bok Yoo,Won-Sik Kong,Youn-Lee Oh
*Corresponding author E-mail : Tel : +82-43-871-5706, Fax : +82-43-871-5702


γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is basically neurotrasmitter produced by the decarboxylation of L-glutamic acid catalyzed by glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), which was known to convert monosodium glutamate (MSG) to GABA. To investigate enhancement of reversion rate of GABA, the yogurt fermentation with addition of nanoparticle winter mushroom and hydroponic ginseng was used. The conversion rate was revealed to nanoparticle winter mushroom and hydroponic ginseng fermenter (88%) > winter mushroom fermenter (52%) > nanoparticle winter mushroom fermenter (44%). The results showed that nanoparticle winter mushroom and hydroponic ginseng supplemented substrates for enhancement of GABA may be used more effectively as one of potential sources of functional foods.


팽이버섯 내에 존재하는 GAD 효소를 발효를 통해 활 성화 시켜 MSG를 GABA로의 전환율을 높이고자 하였다. 효과적인 고농도 GABA를 생산하기 위해 나노분말 팽이 버섯에다가 수경재배한 인삼을 첨가하여 야쿠르트발효기 에서 발효한 결과 GABA 전환율은 팽이나노인삼분말 발 효군(88%) > 팽이분말 발효군(52%) > 팽이나노분말 발 효군(44%) 순으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 MSG를 기질 로 첨가하는 식품에서 활용할 가치가 있으리라 사료된다.

