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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.14 No.3 pp.100-104

Occurrence and control of mushroom flies during Agaricus bisporus cultivation in Chungnam, Korea

Byung-joo Lee1,*, Mi-Ae Lee1, Yong-Gyun Kim1, Sun-Gye Lee1, Byung-Eui Lee2, and Geon-Sik Seo3
1Crop Research Division, Chungcheongnam-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Yesan 340-861, Korea
2Industry Academy Cooperation Foundation, Soonchunghyang University, Asan 336-745, Korea
3Korea National College of Agricultural and Fishery, Chunju 560-500, Korea
*Corresponding author E-mail : Tel : +41-635-6061


Mushroom flies are one of the most serious threats to mushroom production and cultivation in Korea, and they cause significant losses in yield and quality. In this study, we investigated the occurrence and control of mushroom flies in farms where Agaricus bisporus was cultivated in Chungnam. The cultivation period was more than 7 years in the 32 mushroom farms examined; about 28% were environment-friendly cultivation farms, and 72% were conventional cultivation farms. Mushroom flies were a major pest in about 84% of the examined farms. Most of the mushroom flies were sciarids and phorids (71% and 24%, respectively). The adult flies were found throughout the year, but their occurrence was the highest in September when the temperature increased. In general, the occurrence of mushroom flies in the examined farms was high; however, insect nets and post-crop steaming programs used as basic control methods were not implemented properly. Our findings show that integrated pest management of mushroom flies is urgently required for A. bisporus cultivation in Korea.

충남지역 양송이버섯 재배지 버섯파리 발생과 방제 실태



