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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.15 No.1 pp.1-7

Fungal and mushroom hydrophobins: A review

Yuanzheng Wu,Jishun Li,Hetong Yang,Hyun-Jae Shin


Hydrophobins are surface active proteins that are produced by filamentous fungi including mushrooms. Their ability to self-assemble into an amphipathic membrane at any hydrophilic–hydrophobic interface is most intriguing. These small secreted proteins comprise of eight conserved cysteine residues which form four disulfide bridges and an extraordinary hydrophobic patch. Hydrophobins play critical roles in fungal (and/or mushrooms) growth as structural components and in the interaction of fungi and mushrooms with the environment. The biophysical and biochemical properties of the isolated proteins are remarkable, such as strong adhesion, high surface activity and the formation of various self-assembled structures. With the increasing demands of hydrophobins from fungi and mushroom sources, production and purification in large scale is under challenge. Various applications, ranging from food industries, cosmetics, nanotechnology, biosensors and electrodes, to biomaterials and pharmaceuticals are emerging and a bright future is foreseen.


