Inhibitory effects of Sanghwang mushrooms, Phellinus linteus strains and Phellinus baumii, on platelet aggregation
The fruiting bodies of Sanghwang mushrooms, Phellinus linteus HN1009K (PLH) and Phellinus linteus (Korea Sanghwang, PLK), and Phellinus baumii (Jangsu Sangwhang, PB), were extracted with 70% methanol. The methanolic extracts of different concentrations (5–200 μg/ml) showed inhibitory effects of 20–95% on plated aggregation induced by collagen (2.5 ug/ml), ADP (10 uM), and thrombin (0.1 U/ml). The PLH, PLK, and PB extracts (200 ug/ml) reduced ATP release from ADP-activated platelets by 50¬60%. These results suggest that the methanolic extracts from Sanghwang mushrooms inhibit platelet aggregation.