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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.16 No.1 pp.9-15

Cultural characteristics and antioxidant activity of wild-type collections of Hericium erinaceus

Soon-Ae Park,Sun-Joo Kim,Ha-Lim Kim,Hee-Wan Kang


This study aimed to characterize the mycelial morphologies of Hericium erinaceus isolates, including 18 wild-type collections and cultivatable species ‘Noru 1’ and ‘Noru 2’, in Korea. The morphological characteristics were used to classify the species based on aerial or branched mycelia and their brownish or whitish colors when grown on potato dextrose agar. Of the wild-type collections, the isolates KFRI 509, KFRI 1091, KFRI 1093, and KFRI 1623 showed faster mycelial growth than the cultivars ‘Noru 1’ and ‘Noru 2’. Moreover, 60% ethanol extracts of the fruiting body of the mushroom showed the highest phenol content and DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activity. The DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities of KFRI 507, KFRI 508, KFRI 842, and KFRI 1623 were 10–60% higher than those of ‘Noru 1’ and ‘Noru 2’, depending on the extract concentrations. Thus, results suggest that these wild-type collections could be useful for breeding genetic sources or processed food materials with high antioxidant activity.

노루궁뎅이버섯 야생 수집균주의 배양적 특성과 항산화 활성


노루궁뎅이버섯의 국내 야생수집 18 균주와 재배종 ‘노루1호’, ‘노루2호’ 품종의 PDA배지에서 균사체 배양적 특성은 갈색색소생산, 기중균사형, 분지균사형으로 분류되었으며 KFRI 509, KFRI 1091, KFRI 1093, KFRI 1623의 균사생장율이 ‘노루1호’, ‘노루2호’보다 20% 이상 높았다. Ethanol 60%추출물이 페놀함량과 DPPH와 ABTS라디칼 소거능이 농도 의존적으로 가장 높았다. 노루궁뎅이버섯 수집 균주의 항산화활성은 KFRI 507, KFRI 508, KFRI 842, KFRI 1623균주가 재배종 ‘노루1호’, ‘노루2호’와 비교하여 DPPH라디칼 소거능은 농도 의존적으로 10%에서 40% 이상 높았으며 ABTS라디칼 소거능은 추출물 0.125 mg/ml를 기준으로 ‘노루1호’, ‘노루2호’보다 30%에서 60% 이상 높은 활성을 보였다.

