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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.19 No.4 pp.341-346

Characterization of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in Pleurotus pulmonarius cultivars

Jong In Choi1, Kyeong Sook Na2, Min-Ji Oh3, Jae-San Ryu2*
1Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research &Extension Services, 283-33, Byeongjeomjungang-ro, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
2Department of mushroom science, Korea National college of Agriculture and fisheries, Jeonju 54874 Korea
3Mushroom Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA, Chungbuk Eumseong 27709, Korea


Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were isolated from major Pleurotus pulmonarius cultivars in Korea, namely ‘HS47’ (monokaryon, gamete of ‘Santari’), ‘GB19’ (monokaryon, gamete of ‘Santari’), ‘Hosan,’ ‘Yeoleumneutali1,’ ‘Sambok,’ ‘Gangsan,’ ‘Yaksan,’ ‘Jasan,’ ‘Hyangsan,’ and ‘Yeoleumneutali2,’ and characterized via HiSeq genome sequencing and bioinformatic analysis. The genome sizes of the monokaryons ‘HS47’ and ‘GB19’ were estimated to be 37.3 and 37.2 Mb, respectively, and those of the other dikaryotic cultivars ranged from 47.1 to 61.1 Mb. A total of 711 (smallest) and 1,106 (1.5 times the smallest) SSRs were found in the ‘HS47’ and ‘Gangsan’ genomes, respectively. Hexanucleotide and octanucleotide motifs accounted for the top two fractions of all SSRs. CGA/TCG, A/T, and CTC/GAG were the most frequently detected nucleotides in the SSRs. Most of the SSRs were 21~30 nucleotides long (hypervariable for application), accounting for 70% of all lengths of SSRs.

산느타리(Pleurotus pulmonarius) 품종의 초위성체(simple sequence repeats) 특성구명

최종인1 · 나경숙2 · 오민지3 · 류재산2*
1경기도농업기술원 버섯연구소
2한국농수산대학 버섯학과
3농촌진흥청 버섯과



