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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.19 No.3 pp.184-190

Comparison of the physicochemical components of Lentinula edodes cultivars cultivated in sawdust medium

Ji Yeon Choi, Min-Sun Kim*
Food Analysis Research Center, Korea Food Research Institute, Wanju 55365, Korea


With the development of sawdust medium cultivation technology, Lentinula edodes (shiitake mushroom) has become the most extensively produced and consumed mushroom globally. In this study, the approximate composition, nutritional components, and bioactive compounds of L. edodes were analyzed and compared for the five sawdust-cultivated shiitake mushrooms cultivars namely Sanjo701ho, Sanjo707ho, Sanjo715ho, Chamaram, and L808. The approximate range of the composition of freeze-dried shiitake mushrooms was 4.06-5.92 g/100 g of ash, 0.75-1.02 g/100 g of crude fat, and 21.24-29.15 g/100 g of crude protein. Sanjo701ho had the highest trehalose content (9.60±0.08 g/100 g), total polyphenol content (3.49±0.04 mg GAE/g), and total flavonoid content (1.33±0.03 mg QE/g) among the other shiitake mushroom cultivars. The total amino acid content was as follows: glutamic acid>aspartic acid>leucine. Glycine, alanine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, and phenylalanine contents were significantly decreased in the following sequence: Sanjo707ho, Sanjo715ho, Sanjo701ho, Chamaram, and L808. Crude protein, trehalose, and six types of amino acids were identified as classification indicators for the five cultivars of sawdust-cultivated shiitake mushrooms.

톱밥배지에서 재배된 표고버섯 품종별 이화학적 성분 비교

최지연 · 김민선*
한국식품연구원 식품분석연구센터



