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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.19 No.2 pp.88-95

Breeding and characteristics of Uram, a New Variety of Pleurotus nebrodensis

Tai-Moon Ha1*, Gu-Hyun Jung1, Jeoung-Suk Kim1, Jong-In Choi3, Jeong-Han Kim1, Yong-Seon Lee2, Yung-Kyeoung Jeong4
1Eco-friendly Environment & Microorganism Research Institute, Gyenggi-Do Agricultural Research & Extension services, Gwangju 12805, Korea
2Department of crop reseaerch, Gyenggi-Do Agricultural Research & Extension services, Hwaseong 18388, Korea
3Department of environmental agriculture research, Gyenggi-Do Agricultural Research & Extension services, Hwaseong 18388, Korea
4Department of horticulture research, Gyenggi-Do Agricultural Research & Extension services, Hwaseong 18388, Korea


This study was carried out to breed new variety of Pleurotus nebrodensis. We have collected and tested characteristics of genetic resources from domestic and abroad since 2015. The varieties of P. nebrodensis from China are grown by farmers, but those have been unstable fruiting and are weak against bacterial diseases. To solve this problem, we bred the unique domestic variety ‘Uram’ of P. nebrodensis and the results of the characteristic test for the new ‘Uram’ are as follows. The proper temperature for the mycelial growth was 26~29oC and fruit body growth temperature was 15~18oC. It was similar to the control variety KME65035 of P. nebrodensis in the pileus form of a flat and white color. The number of days required for initial fruting was 5 days for bottle cultivation and 6 days for bag cultivation which was 2-4 days shorter than that of the control variety. The pileus diameter was 32.6-37.0 mm which was smaller but the fruit body length was 130.4 mm, which was longer than those of the control variety. The effective number of fruit bodies was 1.8 in bottle cultivation and 2.9 in bag cultivation, which was more than those of the control variety. The yield rate was 93.3-100%, which was more stable than those of the control variety. In bottle cultivation and bag cultivation, the yield was 173.1 g/bottle (1100 cc) and 283.4 g/bag (1.2 kg), respectively, which was 25- 44% higher than those of the control variety 138.0 g/bottle (1100 cc) and 197.4 g bag (1.2 kg). When incubating the parent and control varieties of ‘Uram’, the replacement line was clear and as a result of mycelial DNA RAPD-PCR reaction, the band pattern was different from that of the parent and control varieties, confirming the hybrid species.

백령느타리 신품종 ‘우람’의 육성 및 특성

하태문1* · 정구현1 · 김정숙1 · 최종인3 · 김정한1 · 이용선2 · 정윤경4
1경기도농업기술원 친환경미생물연구소
2경기도농업기술원 작물연구과
3경기도농업기술원 환경농업연구과
4경기도농업기술원 원예연구과



