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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.18 No.4 pp.331-338

Characteristics and pedigree selection of a shortened cultivation period strain in Lepista nuda

Jong-Ock Jeon*, Kwan-Woo Lee, Kyoung-Jun Lee, Min-Ja Kim, In-Jae Kim, Young-Ho Kim
Chungcheongbuk-Do Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Cheongju, 28130


This study was conducted to cultivate new Lepista nuda varieties with shorter cultivation period and better fruiting body compared to that of wild strains, for mass production and commercial application. Eighteen genetic resources of L. nuda were collected and grown in boxes using rice straw-fermented growth medium. Four lines with fruiting bodies were formed and selected as cross-breeding lines. Although 657 combinations were crossed through monospore crossing, only 17 combinations were bred between the ‘CBMLN-19’ line and the ‘CBMLN-30’ line. Among them, 8 lines with fast mycelial growth and high density were selected. After inoculating the rice straw-fermented growth medium with 14 genetic resources and 8 cross-breeding lines, their incubation period was investigated. Six of the cross-breeding lines completed their incubation in 20 days, while 7 of the 14 genetic resources took more than 40 days to complete their incubation, reducing the incubation period by more than 20 days in most cross-breeding lines. After the incubations were completed, the clay loam soil was covered with for post-cultivation, and when the mycelial cultivation was complete, the formation of fruiting bodies was induced after scraping the mycelial bodies under these environmental conditions: 14oC, 95% relative humidity or higher, and 1,500 to 2,000 ppm CO2 concentration. The temperature was reduced to 6oC at night, resulting in a low temperature shock. Thus, 4 lines of fruiting bodies occurred from two genetic resources ‘CBMLN-31’ and ‘CBMLN-44’ and two cross-bred lines ‘CBMLN-96’ and ‘CBMLN-103’. After inoculation, the longest period for fruiting bodies to occur was 100 days for the control:, the genetic resource ‘CBMLN-31’, and the shortest period (45 days) was observed for the cross-breeding line ‘CBMLN-103’. The result of the investigation of the fruiting body characteristics shows that the cross-bred line ‘CBMLN-103’ showed a small form with 1.9 g of individual weight and 123validstipes per box, which was the highest incidence among the four lines. Another cross-bred line, ‘CBMLN-96’, had an individual weight of 5.5 g, which is larger than that of ‘CBMLN-103’; however, the number of valid stipes per box was 30 less than that of ‘CBMLN-103’. Quantity analysis showed that the control, ‘CBMLN-31’, had the highest quantity of 783 g per box, followed by the cross-bred line, ‘CBMLN-96’ with 165 g per box, and then the ‘CBMLN-103’ with 232 g. The quantity of the two crossbred lines was lower than that of the control ‘CBMLN-31’; however, the amount of fruiting bodies was higher, and the cultivation period was shortened by 32 to 33 days. Therefore, these two lines would be selected as superior lines.

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