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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.18 No.3 pp.208-213

Phosphate solubilizing effect by two Burkholderia bacteria isolated from button mushroom bed

Jong-Hoon Oh, Young-Jun Kim, Min-Ho Yoon*
Department of Bio-Environmental Chemistry, College of Agriculture and Lifesciences, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, 34134, Korea


Burkholderia contaminans PSB-A and Burkholderia ambifaria PSB-B were isolated from button mushroom bed to estimate their phosphate solubility. The phosphate-solubilizing abilities of these strains were assessed by measuring the phosphorus content in a single and co-inoculation medium for 7 days. The co-inoculation of these two strains released the highest content of soluble phosphorus (166.3 μg mL-1) into the medium, followed by single inoculation of B. contaminans PSB-A (143.73 μg mL-1) and B. ambifaria PSB-B (127.1 μg mL-1). The highest pH reduction, organic acid production, and glucose consumption were also observed in the co-inoculation medium. According to the plant growth promotion bioassay, coinoculation enhanced the growth of romaine lettuce much more than the single inoculation (20.4% for leaf widths and 16.6% for root lengths). Although no significant difference was noted between single and co-inoculation of bacterial strains in terms of phosphorous release and plant growth, co-inoculation of PSB may have a beneficial effect on crop growth due to a synergistic effect between the strains.

양송이배지로부터 분리한 두 Burkholderia 속 세균에 의한 인산가용화 효과

오종훈 · 김영준 · 윤민호*
충남대학교 농업생명과학대학 생물환경화학과



