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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.18 No.3 pp.268-273

Physicochemical changes and plant growth effect on composting of spent mushroom substrates

Ji-Min Song1, Nguyen Hong Phong1, Ja-Yoon Kim1, Dae-Sun Kang2, Jeong-Yeon Yu1, Hee-Wan Kang1,3*
1Department of Holticultural Biotechnology, Division of Biotechnology, Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, Korea
2K-Global Ltd., Yongin 17015, Korea
3Institute of Genetic Engineering, Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, Korea


This study aimed to assess the feasibility of composting spent mushroom substrate (SMS) materials of Lentinula edodes (Le), Hericium erinaceus (He), and Pleurotus ostreatus (Po). The different SMSs were composted for 7 to 10 days at high temperatures over 50oC; the composting procedure was completed in 30 days. A maturity test was conducted using the radish seed germination index and CoMMe-100. The composted SMS (CSMS) from Le and He showed gemination indices of 130% and 81%, respectively, that satisfied the criteria of maturity standard (gemination index over 70%) and the CoMMe-100 analysis. The physicochemical changes of CSMSs included an increase in the pH range from 4–5 to 6–7, slight reduction in the EC to 1–1.4 dS/m, and an organic content of 36.9% in LeCSMS. In LeCSMS, the contents of N, P, and K were 1.2%, 2.3%, and 0.77%, respectively, and heavy metals were detected below the standard value in all CSMSs; the Ca and Mg contents in the CSMSs were increased from 30% to 60% when compared to those in the SMSs. The C/N ratio (from 26–33) in LeSMS and HeSMS decreased to 15.3–15.9 in CSMSs. The growth effect of LeCSMS treatment on pepper seedlings was 60% higher than that in the control groups , one of which was treated with commercial organic compost; the former showed a superior growth effect on the leaf width, leaf length, and leaf number compared to other control groups. In conclusion, LeCSMS and HeCSMS could be utilized as compost resources capable of efficient soil amendment and plant growth promotion.

버섯수확후배지의 퇴비화에 따른 물리 화학적 변화 및 식물 생육 효과

송지민1 · Nguyen Hong Phong1 · 김자윤1 · 강대선2 · 유정연1 · 강희완1,3*
1한경대학교 생명공학부 원예생명공학전공
3한경대학교 유전공학연구소



