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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.18 No.2 pp.135-140

Relationship between chemicals in substrates and yield of Pleurotus pulmonarius

An-Soo Lee, Jae-Hong Lee, Heon-Seop Won, Se-Jeong Hwang, Tae-Sung Jung, Dae-Ki Hong
Agricultural Environment Research Division, Gangwondo Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Chuncheon, 24226, Korea


We examined the chemical properties of mixed media and the yield of Pleurotus pulmonarius using bag culture (1 kg) and also evaluated their relationship. The yield of mushrooms in the first flush appeared to be correlated with total nitrogen content. The highest yield of mushroom in the first flush occurred when the nitrogen content of the media was 1.12 %; however, when the nitrogen content was lower or higher than 1.1 %, the yield decreased. The yield of mushrooms in the second flush was highly correlated with various chemical properties including total nitrogen, total carbon, and C/N ratio; for example, higher nitrogen and carbon content produced a higher yield in the second flush. Therefore, when cultivating bottle culture, the nitrogen content of the media should be approximately 1.1 %, such that most mushrooms are harvested in the first flush. Additionally, when cultivating bag culture for harvesting two or more times, it is advantageous to have higher nitrogen and carbon contents in the media than the amount required for bottle culture media.

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