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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.17 No.4 pp.197-204

Analysis of growth environment of Flammulina velutipes using the smart farm cultivation technology

Kwan-Woo Lee1,*, Jong-Ock Jeon1, Kyoung-Jun Lee1, Young-Ho Kim1, Chan-Jung Lee2, Myoung-Jun Jang3
1Chungcheongbuk-Do Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Cheongju, 28130, Korea
2Mushroom Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA, Eumseong, Chungbuk, 27709, Korea
3Department of Plant Resource, Kongju National University, Yesan, 32439, Korea


In this study, smart farm technology was used by farmers cultivating 'CHIKUMASSHU T-011' in order to develop an optimal growth model for the precision cultivation of bottle-grown winter mushroom and the results of the same are mentioned herein. Farmers participating in the experiment used 60 m2 of bed area with 4 rows and 13 columns of shelf shape, 20 horsepower refrigerator, 100T of sandwich panel for insulation, 6 ultrasonic humidifiers, 12 kW of heating, and 20,000 bottles of Flammulina velutipes mushroom spores. The temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide concentrations, which directly affect the growth of the mushroom, were collected and analyzed from the environmental sensors installed at the winter mushroom cultivation area. The initial temperature was found to be 14.5oC, which was maintained at 14oC to 15oC until the 10th day. In the restriction phase, the initial temperature was 4oC and was maintained between 2oC and 3oC until the 15th day, while during the growth phase, it was maintained between 7.5oC to 9.5oC. Analysis of the humidity data revealed initial humidity to be 100%, which varied between 88% to 98% during primordia formation period. The humidity remained between 77% to 96% until the 15th day, in the restriction phase and between 75% to 83% during the growth phase. The initial carbon dioxide concentration was 3,500 ppm and varied between 3,500 ppm to 6,000 ppm during primordia formation period and was maintained at 6,000 ppm until the 15th day. During the growth phase, the carbon dioxide concentration was found to be over 6,000 ppm. Fruiting body characteristics of 'CHIKUMASSHU T-011' cultivated in the farmhouse were as follows: Pileus diameter of 7.5 mm and thickness of 4.1 mm, stipe thickness of 3.3 mm, and length of 154.2 mm. The number of valid fruiting bodies was 1,048 unit per 1,400 mL bottle, and the individual weight was 0.71 g per unit. The yield of fruiting bodies was 402.8 g per 1,400 mL bottle.

병재배 팽이버섯의 스마트팜 재배를 통한 생육환경 분석

이관우1,* · 전종옥1 · 이경준1 · 김영호1 · 이찬중2 · 장명준3
2농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 인삼특작부 버섯과
3공주대학교 산업과학대 식물자원학과



