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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.17 No.4 pp.205-210

Changes in the characteristics of the fruiting body of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) according to the nitrogen content in sawdust media

Hye-Sung Park*, Gyong-Jin Min, Eun-Ji Lee, Chan-Jung Lee, Won-Sik Kong
Mushroom Research Division, NIHHS, RDA, Eumseong 27709, Korea


This study was conducted to elucidate the optimal nitrogen content for each variety of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) by investigating the change in the characteristics of fruiting body according to the nitrogen content of the sawdust media, and to use the results as the basic data for cultivation of high quality oyster mushroom. The nitrogen content was adjusted to 1.3%, 1.6%, 1.8% and 2.3%, and at each condition, mycelial growth was observed, which showed that the nitrogen content did not affect the rate of mycelial growth and density substantially. In the investigation of the characteristics of fruiting body, at the 1.8% nitrogen content, Chunchu No.2 showed the pileus diameter of 27 mm, and the stipe diameter and length of 11 mm and 61 mm, respectively, and the measurement of its color values revealed that the brightness of the pileus and the stipe was 31 and 80, respectively, offering the best commercial value, and yielding 25 valid stipes, which was the largest number. Likewise, at the 1.8% nitrogen content, Heuktari also showed the excellent growth characteristics including the pileus diameter of 29 mm and the stipe diameter and length of 10 mm and 68 mm, respectively, and the superb color values of the brightness of 37 at the pileus and 78 at the stipe. Moreover, the number of valid stipes was also found to be the highest with 19. In terms of morphological characteristics such as the pileus diameter and color, Soltari also produced the best mushrooms at the 1.8% nitrogen content and the number of valid stipes was high with 22. In summary, irrespective of varieties of oyster mushroom, high quality products could be cultivated at the nitrogen content of 1.8%.

느타리버섯 톱밥배지 질소함량에 따른 자실체 특성변화

박혜성* · 민경진 · 이은지 · 이찬중 · 공원식
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