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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.17 No.3 pp.119-125

Analysis of growth environment by smart farm cultivation of oyster mushroom ‘Chunchu No 2’

Chan-Jung Lee1*, Hye-Sung Park1, Eun-Ji Lee1, Won-Sik Kong1, Byeong-Kee Yu2
1Mushroom Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA, Eumseong, Chungbuk, 27709, Korea
2Smart Farm Development Division, National Institute of Agricultural Science, RDA, Jeonju, Jeonbuk, 54875, Korea


This study aims to report the results for the analysis of the growth environment by applying smart farm technology to “Chunchu No 2” farmers in order to develop an optimal growth model for precision cultivation of bottle-grown oyster mushrooms. The temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide concentration, and illumination data were collected and analyzed using an environmental sensor installed to obtain growth environment data from the oyster mushroom cultivator. Analysis of the collected temperature data revealed that the temperature at the time of granulation was 19.5oC after scraping, and the mushroom was generated and maintained at about 21oC until the bottle was flipped. When the fruiting body grew and approached harvest time, mushrooms were harvested while maintaining the temperature between 14oC and 18oC. The humidity was maintained at almost 100% during the complete growth stage. Carbon dioxide concentration gradually increased until 3 days after the beginning of cultivation, and then increased rapidly to almost 5,500 ppm. From the 6th day, carbon dioxide concentration was gradually decreased through ventilation and was maintained at 1,600 ppm during harvest. Light intensity of 8 lux was irradiated up to day 6 after seeding, and growth was then continued while periodically irradiating 4 lux light. The fruiting body characteristics of “Chunchu No 2” cultivated in the farmhouse were as follows: pileus diameter of 26.5 mm and thickness of 4.9 mm, stipe thickness of 8.9 mm, and length of 68.7 mm. The fruiting body yield was 166.8 g/850 ml, and the individual weight was 12.8 g/10 units.

병재배 느타리버섯 ‘춘추 2호’의 스마트팜 재배를 통한 생육환경 분석

이찬중1* · 박혜성1 · 이은지1 · 공원식1 · 유병기2
2국립원예특작과학원 버섯과
2국립농업과학원 스마트팜개발과



