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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.17 No.3 pp.144-151

Antioxidant activities and -glucan contents of wild mushrooms in Korea

Gi-Hong An, Jae-Gu Han, Jae-Han Cho*
Mushroom Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, RDA, Eumseong 27709, Chungbuk, Korea


The anti-oxidant activities and β-glucan contents of wild mushrooms collected from Songnisan, Soi-myeon, Joryeongsan, and Ganghwado, Korea, were investigated. Among the wild mushroom extracts, Pycnoporus sanguineus (OK1071), Piptoporus soloniensis (OK1090), and Daedalea dickinsii (OK1094) extracts showed the highest DPPH and ABTS+ radical scavenging activities. The nitrite scavenging activity and total polyphenol content of the extract of P. sanguineus (OK1071) was 74.2% and 37.7 mg GAE/g, respectively, and these values were much higher than those of the other mushrooms analyzed in this study. The Pearson’s correlation coefficients of the DPPH radical and nitrite scavenging activities with the total polyphenol contents of the wild mushroom extracts were r = 0.758 (p < .01) and r = 0.951 (p < .01), respectively. The β-glucan contents of Lenzites betulina (OK1040), Trametes versicolor (OK1044), and P. sanguineus (OK1071) were 47.8%, 43.9%, and 41.8%, respectively, which were higher than those of the other mushrooms. Therefore, the wild mushrooms analyzed were confirmed to have excellent antioxidant activities and high β-glucan contents. Accordingly, the fundamental data provided in this study can be used to isolate useful compounds from these wild mushrooms.

국내 야생버섯의 항산화 활성 및 베타글루칸 함량 분석

안기홍 · 한재구 · 조재한*
농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 인삼특작부 버섯과



