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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.17 No.1 pp.1-6

Development of a safe culture technique for Agrocybe cylindracea

Byong-Soo Heo1, Sang-Young Seo1, Kyu-Hwan Choi1, Young-Min Choi1, Seog-Ju Kwon1, Kab-Yeyl Jang2, Young-Jin Yoo1*
1Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Iksan, 54591, Korea
2Mushroom Research Division, NIHHS, RDA, Eumseong, 27709, Korea


Agrocybe cylindracea was cultured in a bag, in which sawdust culture medium (1 kg) is put in a plastic bag (PE), with poplar sawdust, rice bran, wheat bran, and dried bean curd refuse in the ratio of 70:10:10:10 (v/v). 2% of the culture medium was inoculated with the liquid starter of Agrocybe cylindracea, and this was incubated at 25oC. After incubation, the A. cylindracea was further cultured by cutting the top vinyl portion of the bag down to the level of the culture medium surface of the first inoculation part. The cut culture medium was placed in a growth room at 25oC, and pin-heading was induced under light irradiation at 99% humidity and 1,000 ppm CO2 level for 3days. When the grow the environment was controlled at 95% humidity and 21oC, the bending of the stem was less as compared to that when the cap of the bag had been removed. The number of effective fruiting bodies per bag increased by 140% (28.8), the quantity per bag increased by 29.5%, and 148.5 g A. cylindracea could be potentially harvested.

버들송이버섯 봉지재배 안정생산 기술

허병수1 · 서상영1 · 최규환1 · 최영민1 · 권석주1 · 장갑열2 · 유영진1*
2농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 버섯과



