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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.17 No.1 pp.7-11

Cultural characteristics of Auricularia polytricha ‘Geoni’ in a high temperature growth room

Kil-Ja Kim*, Da-Mi Kim, Ho-Sub An, Jin Kyung Choi, Oh-Do Kwon
Crop Research Division, Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Naju 58213, Korea


We assessed the growth characteristics of Auricularia polytricha ‘Geoni’ cultivated in a simple greenhouse constructed of polyethylene (PE) without air conditioning (high temperature) and in an air conditioned mushroomhouse. The successful cultivation of A. polytricha ‘Geoni’ at high temperatures can reduce energy and facility investment costs. The comparison of growth characteristics of the fungi grown under the different temperature conditions revealed that fruit bodies were larger in the higher temperature condition, but were brighter in the lower temperature condition. Additionally, fruit body physiology was found to be not affected by temperature. In the PE greenhouse, the fresh weight of fruit body was higher in mid-June and early July. Therefore, it was possible to effectively control the growth period of the mushrooms during a high-temperature period. The findings indicate the potential to cultivate A. polytricha ‘Geoni’in a simple PE greenhouse that is not cooled in summer, thus reducing energy costs.

고온기 재배시설에 따른 털목이 ‘건이’의 생육 특성

김길자* · 김다미 · 안호섭 · 최진경 · 권오도
전라남도농업기술원 식량작물연구소



