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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.17 No.1 pp.34-39

Comparison of physiological activity of medicinal mushrooms produced in Korea and China using different extraction solvents

Gi-Hong An, Jae-Gu Han, Kang-Hyo Lee, Jae-Han Cho*
Mushroom Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA Chungbuk Eumseong 369-873, Korea.


In the present study, physiological activities of hot water extracts and 70% ethanol extracts of three types of medicinal mushrooms (Hericium erinaceus, Cordyceps militaris, and Ganoderma lingzhi) produced in Korea and China were investigated. Both the hot-water and 70% ethanol extracts of H. erinaceus and C. militaris from Korea displayed the highest 2,2- diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazy radical scavenging activities. Nitrite scavenging activities of hotwater extracts of G. lingzhi from Korea and China (41% and 39%, respectively) were higher than the activities of 70% ethanol extracts. Total polyphenol contents of hot water extracts of H. erinaceus and C. militaris from Korea were higher than those of 70% ethanol extracts. The ethanol extracts of G. lingzhi from Korea displayed the highest total polyphenol content. C. militaris from Korea displayed the highest β-glucan level (45.11%). β-glucan content of H. erinaceus from China (30.87%) was higher than H. erinaceus from Korea (16.94%). The findings indicate that healthy ingredients can be maximally extracted using the optimal solvents for each mushroom. These results will be useful in understanding the difference in physiological activities between the solvents used for the extraction of medicinal mushrooms from Korea and China.

한국 및 중국산 약용버섯류의 추출용매에 따른 생리활성 성분 비교

안기홍 · 한재구 · 이강효 · 조재한*
농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 인삼특작부 버섯과



