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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.16 No.2 pp.65-69

Distribution of spontaneously growing mushrooms in the juwangsan national park

Pyung-Yeul Ko1,2, Ki-sung Hong3, Suck-young Choe4, Tae-heon Kim5, Yong-Chull Jeun1,2*
1Faculty of Bioscience and Industry, College of Applied Life Science, Jeju National Univ.
2Sustainable Agriculture Research Institute, Jeju National Univ.
3National Forestry Cooperative Federation Forest mushroom Research Center, Spawn Production Department
4Dept. of Food & Nutrition, Coll. Of Human Ecology, Univ. of Ulsan
5National Park Research Institute Ecosystem Research Division


Mushrooms growing spontaneously in the Juwangsan National Park were surveyed from April to October 2017 for supporting management of higher fungi and creating a bio-diversity database of the park. In total, two divisions, eight classes, 21 orders, 85 families, 225 genera, and 503 species were detected. Among them, 247 species belonged to order Agaricales, which occupied 48.8% of the population, followed by members of orders Polyporales and Russulales. The mushrooms were abundant in August, and an altitude of 300-400 m above sea level was optimal for their growth, such as those found at Sanguijigu, Deajeonsa, and Geodaeri semgoal areas. Furthermore, Macrolepiota procera and Sarcodon aspratus, which belong to criteria of climate change, were detected in this survey.

주왕산국립공원의 자생버섯 분포상

고평열1,2 · 홍기성3 · 최석영4 · 김태헌5 · 전용철1,2*
1제주대학교 생명자원과학대학 생물산업학부
2제주대학교 친환경농업연구소
3산림조합중앙회 산림버섯연구센터 종균 생산과
4울산대학교 생활과학부 식품영양전공
5국립공원연구원 조사연구부



