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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.16 No.3 pp.180-185

Characteristics and breeding of a new variety ‘Sootari’ in Pleurotus ostreatus

Kwan-Woo Lee*, Min-Ja Kim, Jong-Ock Jeon, and Ik-Jei Kim
Chungcheongbuk-Do Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Cheongju 28130, Korea


‘Sootari’, a new variety of oyster mushroom, was bred by mating with monokaryons isolated from ‘Suhan’ and ‘Gonji-7ho’. The optimum temperature for the mycelial growth was 20~25oC on PDA medium and those for the primordia formation and growth of fruiting body of ‘Sootari’ were 16~18oC on sawdust substrate. In bottle cultivation, mycelial growth required about 25 days. In addition, primordia formation and growth of fruiting body required 4 days each. Regarding characteristics of the fruiting body, the shape and color of pileus were round type and black, respectively, and stipe color and shape were white and short and thin, respectively. The yield of fruiting bodies was 131.3±26.0 g per 1,100 mL bottle, which was 2% higher than that of Gonji-7ho.

느타리버섯 신품종 ‘수타리’의 육성 및 특성

이관우* · 김민자 · 전종옥 · 김익제



