ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.16 No.3 pp.198-202
Characterization of a new cultivar of Auricularia auricula-judae ‘Yong-A’
‘Yong-A’ was bred by Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services in 2015. It was primarily selected through monospore crossing between JNM21008 and JNM21013 in 2009. The strain is named as JNM-Mi-194 and ‘Yong-A’, showing major characteristics with good production yield. The cultivation characteristics, yield potential, and fruiting body characteristics of ‘Yong-A’ are as follows; The wrinkle of the fruiting body was of branching type its shape was wave type. MCM, YM, Malt, and PDA media were suitable for growth of this cultivar. The number of effective stipes was 13 ea/0.9 kg. The minor axis of pileus was 5 cm and the major axis was 9 cm. The yield was 291 g per plastic bag (0.9 kg). Yong-A required 60 days for mycelial running at 20oC. The growth and primordial period required 24 days, which was shorter than that of JNM-Mi-21002 (the conventional cultivar). Somatic incompatibility was observed between parental lines and Yong-A. Analysis of genetic diversity in the new variety ‘Yong-A’ showed a different profile compared to that of the parent strain when Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA primers were used.