ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.16 No.4 pp.250-256
Development of self-propelled windrow turner for button mushroom compost
The windrow turner, widely used for outdoor fermentation of mushrooms in Europe, has been improved by using rice straw instead of wheat straw in accordance with Korea’s actual situation. It was compared with conventional excavator work, and the results were as follows. Agitation performance was 81 m3/hr, which was 2.8 times higher than 28.6 m3/hr of excavator. As a result of the temperature distribution in the pile at the end of the fermentation stage, it was found that the temperature at the lower part of the pile was 5oC higher than that of conventional pile. This was more favorable for aerobic fermentation. Meanwhile, ash ratio of prototype (30.9±1.1%) was higher than that of control 28.4±1.6%. In the case of prototype turner agitation, the yield of mushroom cultivation was 880 kg/66 m2, that was 22.9% higher than the conventional control yield of 716 kg/66 m2.