ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.16 No.4 pp.334-337
Characteristics of temperature variation in the collection area of Amanita virgineoides
Amanita virgineoides Bas is an ectomycorrhizal mushroom belonging to the family Amanitaceae in the order Agaricales. This fungus usually grows solely on damp soil in coniferous or deciduous forests from summer to autumn. Although Korean people consume A. virgineoides, some studies indicate that it can be poisonous. During our biodiversity survey of four specific regions i.e., Yongin, Eumseong, and Chungju from 2016 to 2018, A. virgineoides specimens were collected on the sixth rotation. We analyzed the temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, and vegetation surrounding the A. virgineoides fruiting bodies to reveal the environmental factors that influenced mushroom formation. It was found to usually grow in August, the hottest season in Korea. For 60 days before forming the fruiting body, temperatures were found to be between 20 and 30oC. More evidence is necessary to ensure that change in temperature is the major environmental factor that determines A. virgineoides fruiting.