ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.16 No.4 pp.342-346
Investigation of the shift trends of temperature and humidity in greenhouses for oak mushroom cultivation
The temperature and humidity of 49 greenhouses for oak mushroom cultivation were investigated for 5 years to analyze the trends in the change of these parameters according to the climate change in Korea. The 5-year average temperature and humidity were 24.7oC and 60.5%, respectively, in sawdust media-based cultivation houses and 24.4oC and 60.0%, respectively, in log-bed cultivation houses. The average temperature in the summer was 29.8oC in 2016, 29.1oC in 2017, and 33.3oC in 2018 in the log-bed cultivation houses and 26.8oC in 2016, 20.4oC in 2017, and 24.2oC in 2018 in the sawdust media-based cultivation houses. During the investigation, temperatures over 30oC were detected in one cultivation house in spring and five such houses in summer. When classifying by cultivation type, temperatures over 30oC were found in five log-bed cultivation houses and temperatures less than 20oC were found in four log-bed cultivation houses in fall. This study shows that log-bed cultivation houses for oak mushroom need to be modified to cope with the climate change.