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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.20 No.2 pp.35-42

Industrial Status of Organic Mushrooms in Korea

Woo-Sik Jo1*, Jeongmin Park2, Hee-Young Jang2, Young Hyun Rew3, Seokhee Park2
1Bonghwa Medicinal Crop Research Institute (GBARES), Bonghwa, 36229, Korea
2Organic Agriculture Research Institute (GBARES), Uiseong, 37339, Korea
3Gyeongbuk Province Agricultural Technology Administration, Daegu, 41404, Korea


This study aimed to examine the major domestic and foreign regulations related to the production of organic products. The production and consumption of organic products have been expanding due to the increase in consumer demand for safe food, as well as improved certification procedures and industry trends. In case of organic mushrooms, there were 405 certified farms nationwide in 2021, with a cultivation area of 3,886,628 m2 and a planned production of 6,011 tons. Jeollanamdo has 221 farms, a cultivation area of 2,923,402 m2, and a certification plan for 2,132 tons. Shiitake mushrooms are ranked first with 369 farms, a cultivation area of 3,805,636 m2, and a certification plan for 3,576 tons, representing 91% of the farms, 98% of the cultivation area, and 60% of the certification planning.


