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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.21 No.3 pp.160-166

Cultural characteristics and fruiting body productivity of new Lentinula edodes cultivar ‘Jadam’ in rod-type sawdust cultivation

Jeong-Han Kim1,*, Young-Ju Kang1, Yeon-Jin Kim1, Chae-Young Lee, Jun-Yeong Choi1, Chan-Jung Lee2, Gab-June Lim1
1Organic Microorganism Research Center, Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Gyeonggi Gwangju 12805, Korea,
2Mushroom Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA Chungbuk Eumseong 27709, Korea


The effects of punching treatment on mycelial culture and fruiting body productivity were investigated in a new Lentinula edodes cultivar, “Jadam”, in sawdust medium for the stable production of oak mushroom. As the punching volume and number increased, the weight loss rate and color difference increased and the L value decreased. After spawn inoculation, the sawdust medium temperature and CO2 concentration reached their highest values at 33 and 19 days of incubation, respectively. The O2 concentration showed the lowest value on the 14th day of incubation, which was the opposite pattern to the CO2 concentration. As the punching volume and the number increased, the medium temperature and O2 concentration increased, and the CO2 concentration decreased. Higher punching volumes and numbers resulted in higher temperatures and lower CO2 concentrations. The best fruiting body yield was 5 × 70 mm - 30 (punching diameter × depth - number), and the total yield after three cycles was 644.7 g.


