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ISSN : 1738-0294(Print)
ISSN : 2288-8853(Online)
Journal of Mushrooms Vol.22 No.3 pp.117-121

Mycelial growth and fruit body cultural characteristics of a new Pleurotus ostreatus variety ‘Daeseon‘

Chae-Young Lee*, Jong-In Choi, Jeong-Han Kim, Yeon-Jin Kim
Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Hwaseong-si, 18388, Korea


The oyster mushrooms have known to be a major product in Gyeonggi-do, with production accounting for 69% of the entire country. The ‘Daeseon’ cultivar, which has white and straight stem, was developed. This cultivar was developed by mating monokaryons isolated from the ‘Heuktari’ and ‘Hwaseong-2ho’ varieties. The optimum temperature for the mycelial growth was 26~32oC on PDA medium and that for the primordia formation and the growth of fruit body of ‘Daeseon’ was 16~20oC on sawdust media. It took 35 days to complete spawn running, 3 days for finish primordia formation, and 4 days for finish fruit body growth in the bottle culture. It has shallow funnel-shaped pileus and a white straight stipe. The yield per bottle was 201 g/1,100 ml and was 16% higher than that of control cultivar ‘Suhan-1ho’. Based on above results, we expect this cultivar to be suitable for small packaging.

느타리 신품종 ‘대선‘의 균사배양 및 자실체 생육 특성


